Table of Contents
Special Topic
Adaptive deep brain stimulation for motor disorders | |
Fan⁃gang MENG, Jian⁃guo ZHANG | 217-223 |
Special Reviews
Research progression of neurofilament light chain in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease | |
Wei⁃fang YIN, Hui REN, Xing⁃long YANG | 224-228 |
Progression of respiratory disorders associated with Parkinson's disease | |
Min TIAN, Yi⁃ming LIU | 229-236 |
Research progress of essential tremor⁃Parkinson's disease | |
Qi ZUO, Qian ZHENG, Ling JIAO, Zhan⁃hui FENG, Dian HE | 237-242 |
Advances in cell transplantation therapy and gene therapy in Parkinson's disease | |
Bao⁃lei XU, Piu CHAN | 243-252 |
Advances in the surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease | |
Guang⁃rui ZHAO, Yi⁃feng CHENG, Shao⁃ya YIN | 253-262 |
Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
Influence of blood pressure patterns on cognitive function in patients with Parkinson's disease | |
Wen⁃lin HUANG, Xiao⁃hong LI, Chen⁃tao HE, Zhi⁃heng HUANG, Li⁃juan WANG, Yu⁃hu ZHANG | 263-269 |
Examination of orthostatic hypotension and its related risk factors in patients with Parkinson's disease | |
Chen⁃fei LIU, Yong⁃ci HAO, Ci DONG, Dong LI, Hui⁃miao LIU, Ping GU | 270-277 |
Impact of initial treatment on future symptoms and quality of life in Parkinson's disease | |
Yu⁃wang LI, Meng DONG, Xue⁃jiao CHEN, Min WANG, Xin LI, Lei CHEN | 278-282 |
Clinical study of deep brain stimulation for non ⁃ motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease | |
Yi⁃feng CHENG, Ke⁃ke FENG, Lei CHEN, Chun⁃juan WANG, Guang⁃rui ZHAO, Shao⁃ya YIN | 283-290 |
Clinical Study
Clinical heterogeneity of anti⁃neurofascin 155 antibody positive paranodopathy | |
Hai CHEN, Yan LU, Li DI, Wen⁃jia ZHU, Xin⁃mei WEN, Yu⁃wei DA | 291-299 |
The clinical characteristics of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders with other autoimmune diseases | |
Qing⁃li SUN, Yan MA, Dong⁃sheng FAN | 300-305 |
Clinical phenotype and genetic characteristics of five patients with adrenomyeloneuropathy | |
Xiao⁃li LIU, Bin ZHANG, Fei⁃xia ZHAN, Li CAO | 306-312 |
Value of ventricular intracranial pressure monitoring and process management for traumatic bifrontal contusions | |
Xiao⁃yan FENG, Wei JIAO, Jun⁃hui CHEN, Zhong⁃hua SHI, Ya⁃qin SHI, Yu⁃hai WANG | 313-318 |
Progress of fMRI on the recurrence and pseudoprogression in glioblastoma | |
Quan⁃zhi FENG, Tong HAN | 319-325 |
Case Report
Sporadic adult‐onset neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease presented with symptoms of paroxysmal encephalitis: one case report | |
Jin⁃shi LI, Xing LI, Jing YAN, Juan YANG, Yong⁃bing WANG, Xiao⁃hui ZHAO | 326-330 |

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ISSN: 1672-6731