Table of Contents

Special Topics

Prospects of dentate nucleus deep brain stimulation for poststroke motor recovery PDF
Fan‐gang MENG, Tian‐qi XU, Yu‐chen JI, Shu‐xin ZHANG 507-509

Special Reviews

Research progress of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in treatment of autonomic nerve dysfunction in Parkinson's disease PDF
Feng ZHANG, Fan‐gang MENG 510-515
Clinical research progress of deep brain stimulation for Meige's syndrome PDF
Gui‐zhi WU, Hong TIAN 516-521
Application of retroauricular bone grinding groove technology in deep brain stimulation PDF
Fan‐gang MENG, Jian‐guo ZHANG 522-524


Application of multi ⁃ modal neuroimaging data information management system in functional neurosurgery PDF
Run‐shi GAO, Guo‐jun ZHANG, Xue‐yuan WANG, Xiu‐mei WANG, Tao YU, Yong‐sheng HU 525-531
Functional connectivity analysis in the brain of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in the improvement of depression in Parkinson's disease PDF
Bo‐wen CHANG, Jia‐ming MEI, Chi XIONG, Peng CHEN, Man‐li JIANG, Chao‐shi NIU 532-539

Functional Neurosurgery

Long⁃term efficacy of amygdala⁃hippocampus deep brain stimulation in the treatment of refractory medial temporal lobe epilepsy and its impact on cognitive function PDF
Le SU, Jian WANG, Hu‐lin ZHAO, Zhi‐pei LIN, Xiang‐qing WANG, Zhi‐qiang CUI 540-546
Long ⁃ term follow ⁃ up study of variable frequency stimulation mode deep brain stimulation for axial symptoms in Parkinson's disease PDF
Yi‐feng CHENG, Shao‐ya YIN, De‐qiu CUI, Chun‐juan WANG, Guang‐rui ZHAO, Ke‐ke FENG 547-554
Early ⁃ onset Parkinson's disease long ⁃ term followed up after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: one case report PDF
Ping HE, Xin XU, Zhi‐pei LING 555-558

Clinical Study

Correlation analysis of retinal characteristics and disease severity in Parkinson's disease PDF
Min TU, Shuang‐feng YANG, Yu‐ling TAN, Xiao‐ming WANG 559-566
Prognostic analysis of patients with high⁃grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage complicated with acute intracranial hematoma PDF
Jiao CHENG, Yong ZHEN, Bing‐wei SONG, Jian‐wei LIU, Ping GENG 567-572


Electrophysiological diagnosis of functional tremor PDF
Lin CHEN, Hua PAN 573-578

Case Report

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 with prominent manifestation of dystonia: one case report PDF
Ya‐nan ZHAO, Meng LI, Yan‐bo FANG, Wen‐jing DENG 579-582
Adult paraneoplastic opsoclonus⁃myoclonus⁃ataxia syndrome: one case report PDF
Dong‐xin WANG, Hai‐li LU, Na CHEN 583-588

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

ISSN: 1672-6731