Prospects of dentate nucleus deep brain stimulation for poststroke motor recovery

Fan‐gang MENG, Tian‐qi XU, Yu‐chen JI, Shu‐xin ZHANG


Stroke can lead to long ‐ term motor disorders and reduced quality of life. Despite advances in conventional rehabilitation, many patients are still faced with limited efficacy of rehabilitation. Neuromodulation techniques have shown breakthrough therapeutic potential. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the mechanism of poststroke neuroplasticity, to explore the mechanism of dentate nucleus deep brain stimulation (DN ‐ DBS) to improve poststroke motor function, and to summarize the progress of the study, in order to provide a scientific basis and a new therapeutic perspective for clinical practice of DN‐DBS.

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672⁃6731.2024.07.001


Deep brain stimulation; Cerebellar nuclei; Stroke; Motor disorders

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