Table of Contents

Special Topic

Traumatic brain injury management in low resources settings PDF
Guo⁃yi GUO, Di ZHAO 873-877

Special Reviews

Advances on neurophysiological monitoring methods for consciousness disorder after brain injury PDF
Zhong⁃peng WANG, Wen⁃lei WANG, Long CHEN, Xiu⁃yun LIU, Dong MING 878-883
Research progress on cerebrospinal fluid markers in traumatic brain injury PDF
Jun LIU, Guo⁃bin ZHANG 884-888
Research progress on the interaction mechanism between ubiquitin ⁃ proteasome system and autophagy system after traumatic brain injury PDF
Zhao⁃meng WEN, Wen⁃hu LIU, Jin LIANG, Jian⁃xiong LIU 889-895

Clinical Study of Traumatic Brain Injury

Analysis of influencing factors of prognosis of severe traumatic brain injury with severe multiple injuries under multi⁃disciplinary team PDF
Zhen⁃yu YANG, Xue⁃you XU 896-903
Influencing factor screening for poor prognosis in patients with ultra ⁃ severe traumatic brain injury PDF
Wei HUANG, Wen⁃hao WANG, Lian⁃shui HU, Jun LI, Fei LUO, Yuan ZHANG, Ming⁃sheng ZHANG 904-909
Anticoagulant drug therapy in an elderly lung cancer patient with cerebral hemorrhage and deep vein thrombosis after traumatic brain injury: one case report PDF
Yue CHEN, Ming⁃ming ZOU, Shu⁃yue DAI, Lei LIU 910-913

Standard and Guidelines

The research of craniopharyngioma classification PDF
Liang⁃nan SI, Jin⁃tao CHEN, Zhi⁃xiong LIN 914-923

Functional Neurological Disorder

Diagnosis and treatment of functional limb weakness PDF
Dou YIN, Gang WANG, Ji⁃xian WANG 924-928
Functional hemilimb weakness in a young man: one case report PDF
Xiao⁃ling PAN, Ya⁃qiong ZHOU, Gang WANG 929-932

Clinical Study

The utilization of carotid artery ultrasound in diagnosis of internal carotid artery absence and its imaging features PDF
Pan CHENG, Bao⁃long LIU, Bi⁃bo ZHAO, De⁃lin YU 933-939
Clinical characteristics of anti ⁃ leucine ⁃ rich glioma ⁃ inactivated 1 antibody associated encephalitis PDF
He⁃yue PAN, Ling ZHONG, Yan LI, Shou⁃yong WANG, Xiang⁃song SHI, Jian⁃yang XU 940-947


Research progress on molecular signal transduction mechanism of epilepsy ⁃ related microglia PDF
Yin JIA, Chang⁃qian ZENG, Dan WANG 948-953

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

ISSN: 1672-6731