Table of Contents
Special Topic
Traumatic brain injury management in low resources settings | |
Guo⁃yi GUO, Di ZHAO | 873-877 |
Special Reviews
Advances on neurophysiological monitoring methods for consciousness disorder after brain injury | |
Zhong⁃peng WANG, Wen⁃lei WANG, Long CHEN, Xiu⁃yun LIU, Dong MING | 878-883 |
Research progress on cerebrospinal fluid markers in traumatic brain injury | |
Jun LIU, Guo⁃bin ZHANG | 884-888 |
Research progress on the interaction mechanism between ubiquitin ⁃ proteasome system and autophagy system after traumatic brain injury | |
Zhao⁃meng WEN, Wen⁃hu LIU, Jin LIANG, Jian⁃xiong LIU | 889-895 |
Clinical Study of Traumatic Brain Injury
Analysis of influencing factors of prognosis of severe traumatic brain injury with severe multiple injuries under multi⁃disciplinary team | |
Zhen⁃yu YANG, Xue⁃you XU | 896-903 |
Influencing factor screening for poor prognosis in patients with ultra ⁃ severe traumatic brain injury | |
Wei HUANG, Wen⁃hao WANG, Lian⁃shui HU, Jun LI, Fei LUO, Yuan ZHANG, Ming⁃sheng ZHANG | 904-909 |
Anticoagulant drug therapy in an elderly lung cancer patient with cerebral hemorrhage and deep vein thrombosis after traumatic brain injury: one case report | |
Yue CHEN, Ming⁃ming ZOU, Shu⁃yue DAI, Lei LIU | 910-913 |
Standard and Guidelines
The research of craniopharyngioma classification | |
Liang⁃nan SI, Jin⁃tao CHEN, Zhi⁃xiong LIN | 914-923 |
Functional Neurological Disorder
Diagnosis and treatment of functional limb weakness | |
Dou YIN, Gang WANG, Ji⁃xian WANG | 924-928 |
Functional hemilimb weakness in a young man: one case report | |
Xiao⁃ling PAN, Ya⁃qiong ZHOU, Gang WANG | 929-932 |
Clinical Study
The utilization of carotid artery ultrasound in diagnosis of internal carotid artery absence and its imaging features | |
Pan CHENG, Bao⁃long LIU, Bi⁃bo ZHAO, De⁃lin YU | 933-939 |
Clinical characteristics of anti ⁃ leucine ⁃ rich glioma ⁃ inactivated 1 antibody associated encephalitis | |
He⁃yue PAN, Ling ZHONG, Yan LI, Shou⁃yong WANG, Xiang⁃song SHI, Jian⁃yang XU | 940-947 |
Research progress on molecular signal transduction mechanism of epilepsy ⁃ related microglia | |
Yin JIA, Chang⁃qian ZENG, Dan WANG | 948-953 |

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ISSN: 1672-6731