Topic: Surgical management of schwannomas in the craniocervical junction region
Authors: WU Hao, Chen Yong-jie, JIAN Feng-zeng
原文链接:中国现代神经疾病杂志, 2013, 13(11):936-940
Associated with: Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2013, 13(11):936-940
Introduction: The high-level intraspinal tumor, especially as to the neurinoma, was usually located in one side, and meanwhile invaded the corresponding foramen. Considering the stability of cervical spine, hemilaminectomy was selected as the approach to dissect the tumor. However, sometimes because of the huge volume, en bloc resection was hardly achieved; debulking technique was used to lessen the tumor safely. Decompressed to some degree, the tumor could be removed via nerve hook, and then the leftover tumor could be dissected wholly. As to the tumor in the foramen, the cervical lateral mass was removed to achieve total resection.

ISSN: 1672-6731