Table of Contents
Special Topic
Review the history of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and seize the cutting-edge research | |
Cheng ZHANG | 341-342 |
History of Neuroscience
Yesterday, today and tomorrow of Duchenne muscular dystrophy | |
Cheng ZHANG | 343-349 |
Standard and Guidelines
Interpretation of "Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a guide for families (2011 version)" | |
Xi-hua LI | 350-354 |
Special Reviews
Natural history of Duchenne muscular dystrophy | |
Qing KE, Li ZHANG | 355-359 |
Clinical Epidemiological Investigation
A comprehensive database of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy patients in Children's Hospital of Fudan University | |
Xi-hua LI, Lei ZHAO, Chao-ping HU, Yi-yun SHI, Shui-zhen ZHOU, Yi WANG | 360-368 |
A study of diffusion tensor imaging in Duchenne muscular dystrophy | |
Ya FU, Shi⁃wen WU | 369-373 |
Basic and Clinical Study on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Study on skeletal muscle dystrophin and neuromuscular junction in adult and young mdx mice | |
Yu-ling ZHU, Yi-ming SUN, Hui-li ZHANG, Yu ZHANG, Ya-qin LI, Meng-long CHEN, Liang WANG, Cheng ZHANG | 374-379 |
Clinical analysis of 155 patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy | |
Qi BING, Jing HU, Zhe ZHAO, Hong-rui SHEN, Na LI | 380-386 |
Reliability of hand-held dynamometry for measurement of lower limb muscle strength in children with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy | |
Wei SHI, Hui LI, Yi SU, Kai LU, Fang-hua HOU, Hong YANG | 387-392 |
Clinicopathologic Report
Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma with brain metastasis | |
Xiao-ling YAN, Song-li SHI, Xue-bin ZHANG, Fan TANG, Shu-mei JIN | 393-400 |
Basic Research
Effects and mechanism of erythropoietin on the cognitive function of kainic acid-induced epileptic rats | |
Peng HE, Jin-gang GUO | 401-405 |
Study on early cognitive function in transgenic APP/PS-1/tau mice model of Alzheimer's disease | |
Li WANG, Jin-song JIAO, Zun-jing LIU, Wei-hong GU, Yuan SHUI, Ryo YAMAMOTO, Nobuo KATO | 406-410 |
Clinical Study
Relationship between mean arterial pressure on admission and the prognosis of patients with acute ischemic stroke | |
Ran LIU, Na WANG, Xu-dong ZHANG, Guo-rong BI, Zhi-yong ZHAI | 411-415 |
Case Report
Systemic lupus erythematosus with neurological manifestation as initial symptom: one case report | |
Fu-long, XIAO, Mi SHEN, Pei-yi GAO | 416-418 |
Clinicopathologic Discussion
Left ocular pain and movement limit for 7 months, vision loss for 2 months | |
Chen-ming WEI, Zhi LIU, Jing ZHAO, Bin PENG, Li-ying CUI | 419-422 |
Picture of Clinical Medicine
Hemangiopericytoma | |
Xiao-ling YAN | 368-368 |
Subependymoma | |
Tong HAN | 418-418 |

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ISSN: 1672-6731