Table of Contents
Special Topic
The development of the Chinese pediatric neurosurgery for twenty years | |
Yu⁃qi ZHANG, Jun⁃hua WANG | 777-780 |
Special Reviews
Treatment of pediatric intracranial germ cell tumors: Tiantan experience | |
Xiang LI, Li⁃juan LU, Jian GONG | 781-788 |
Comprehensive management of medulloblastoma based on revised molecular risk stratification | |
Hai⁃long LIU, Zhao⁃yang FENG, Xiao⁃guang QIU | 789-793 |
Diagnosis and treatment of spinal and spinal cord tumors in children | |
Bo XIU | 794-801 |
Current status of surgical treatment for pediatric drug⁃resistant epilepsy | |
Xiao⁃lei ZHANG, Sheng DONG, Jia⁃he GUO, Yi GUO, Xue⁃jun YANG | 802-806 |
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Long⁃term outcomes of pediatric craniopharyngioma patients after surgical resection | |
Ma⁃ding ZHOU, Peng SUN, Yu⁃tong LIU, Jian⁃xin DU, Gao ZENG | 807-812 |
Classification and surgical treatment of complex spinal lipoma in children | |
Zhen⁃xing SUN, Wei⁃ta MAN, Hui⁃fang ZHANG, Guo⁃qin WANG, Gui⁃huai WANG, Bo XIU | 813-820 |
Surgical treatment of depressed fracture of skull in neonates | |
Bo LIU, Shi⁃gang XIE, Xi⁃zan YUE, Guang⁃yu WANG | 821-826 |
New Method and Technique
Cranioplasty by biomimetic hydroxyapatite collagen composites: a new method of cranioplasty in children | |
Tuo⁃yu CHEN, Yu⁃qi ZHANG, Shuo WANG, Xiu⁃mei WANG | 827-833 |
Preoperative visualization of hemifacial spasm microvascular decompression based on 3D Slicer 3D reconstruction technology | |
Bao⁃hua LI, Zhong⁃hai ZHOU, Fan⁃gang MENG, Shu⁃xin ZHANG | 834-839 |
Clinical Study
Clinical study of levetiracetam or oxcarbazepine monotherapy in the treatment of focal epilepsy | |
Meng⁃qian WU, Yun⁃fei LI, Shou⁃hua LIN, Xu ZHANG, Yin⁃zhou WANG, Qun WANG | 840-845 |
Electrophysiological and muscle pathological characteristics of Lambert ⁃ Eaton myasthenic syndrome | |
Qing SUN, Jin⁃song JIAO, Shao⁃jie SUN, Wei WANG, Dan⁃tao PENG, Ren⁃bin WANG | 846-851 |
Advances on stigma in functional neurological disorder | |
Jing ZHAO, Shuang⁃zi LI, Jun⁃qi ZENG, Yuan XIE | 852-857 |
Clinicopathologic Discussion
Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease with cortical swelling | |
Wen⁃li ZHANG, Yan GE, Yue ZHANG | 858-864 |

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