Table of Contents
Special Topic
Key points and progress on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric gliomas | |
Xue⁃jun YANG | 695-700 |
Standard and Guideline
Classification of craniopharyngioma | |
Peng SUN, Ma⁃ding ZHOU, Yu⁃tong LIU, Jian⁃xin DU, Gao ZENG | 701-705 |
Special Reviews
Research advances on chemotherapy and targeted therapy of pediatric ⁃ type low ⁃ grade glioma | |
Jing⁃jing GE, Chen⁃chen KONG, Chuan ZHAO, Jun⁃ping ZHANG | 706-711 |
Advances on cerebellar mutism syndrome in children after posterior fossa tumor surgery | |
Wei YANG, Ming GE | 712-716 |
Progress on diagnosis and treatment of pituitary adenoma in children | |
Chuan⁃wei WANG, Guo⁃ran DU, Yan⁃zhao WANG, Shao⁃lei ZHU, Bin ZHANG, Jie GONG | 717-722 |
Study on diagnosis and differential diagnosis of common tumors in the posterior fossa of children based on diffusion⁃weighted imaging | |
Xing⁃hua DING, Ying⁃feng ZHU, Chao ZHANG, Yi⁃qian ZHU, Rong ZHANG | 723-731 |
Pediatric Tumors
Single ⁃ center study of chemoradiotherapy and targeted therapy for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma | |
Jing ZHANG, Peng WANG, Xiao⁃guang QIU | 732-738 |
The efficacy of niraparib in pediatric recurrent PFA⁃type ependymoma | |
Jian⁃zhong YU, Ji⁃chang HAN, Ya⁃chao LIU, Lin LI, Hao LI | 739-743 |
Clinical Study
Analysis of video electroencephalography and imaging characteristics in children with drug⁃refractory epilepsy | |
Xin CHEN, Wen⁃juan TONG | 744-750 |
Application of transnasal endoscopy combined with endovascular treatment in the operation of complex skull base tumors | |
Qiang ZHANG, Xiang ZHAI, Gang LIU, Xiao⁃guang TONG, Xing⁃wei AN, Yue MA | 751-757 |
Analysis of endovascular treatment effects for anterior circulation large vessel occlusion caused by different etiologies | |
Xing⁃chen ZHOU, Biao ZHAO, Da⁃wei WANG, Hui ZHANG, Hao WANG, Jing⁃liang MIN | 758-764 |
Research progress on the regulation of malignant biological behavior of glioma by miRNA⁃145 | |
Jun⁃cheng WANG, Xin⁃long LI, Dong⁃ming MA, Ya⁃wen PAN | 765-771 |
Case Report
Dynamic mutations of RFC1⁃related to multiple system atrophy: one case report | |
Ji⁃wei JIANG, Shi⁃rui JIANG, Wen⁃yi LI, Min ZHAO, Hui⁃ying ZHANG, Jun XU | 772-776 |

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