Table of Contents

Special Topics

Intracranial aneurysms and cerebral revascularization PDF
Zhi‐yong TONG 595-598

Special Reviews

History of cerebral revascularization PDF
Zhi‐yong TONG 599-605
Intracranial⁃intracranial bypass for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms: technical advances and surgical experience PDF
Ling‐ji JIN, Jun‐wen HU, Yin LI, Lin WANG 606-612
Application of whole ⁃ region cerebral vascular bypass for intracranial aneurysms treatment in the flow diversion era PDF
Pei‐xi LIU, Yuan SHI, Wei ZHU 613-618

Intracranial⁃Intracranial Bypass for Complex Intracranial Aneurysms

The application of intracranial ⁃ intracranial bypass for the treatment of complex basilar artery aneurysms PDF
Kai‐ming GAO, Xiao‐guang TONG 619-624
Intracranial⁃intracranial bypass with interposition graft for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms PDF
Hua‐wei WANG, Zhe XUE, Cai‐hong SUN, Dong‐sheng KONG, Chen WU, Zheng‐hui SUN 625-631
Long ⁃ term outcome of intracranial ⁃ intracranial side ⁃ to ⁃ side bypass for complex intracranial aneurysms PDF
Yuan LIU, Zhi‐yong TONG, Guan‐dong YU, Xu‐dong ZHAO, Jin‐gang CHU 632-643
The application of intracranial ⁃ intracranial bypass for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms PDF
Ying SU, Pei‐xi LIU, Yuan SHI, Pei‐liang LI, Qing‐zhu AN, Yan‐long TIAN, Wei ZHU 644-650
Intracranial⁃intracranial bypass for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms: 9 cases report PDF
Yang‐zong ZHOU, Zheng HUANG, Meng‐jun LI, Jun‐yu WANG, Feng‐hua CHEN 651-656

Standard and Guidelines

Expert consensus on the standardized application of ApoE ε4 measurement in Alzheimer's disease PDF
Expert Consensus Writing Group on ApoE ε4 and Alzheimer's Disease, Neurodegenerative Disease Special Commit China Association for Promotion of Health Science and Technology, Yantai Regional Sub Center of China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases 657-667


Analysis of the relationship between neurovascular compression and primary trigeminal neuralgia based on radiomics PDF
Yang NI, Fang ZHANG, Yong ZHANG, Jin‐zhi LIN 668-673

Clinical Study

Analysis of genetic characteristics in four children with atypical Rett syndrome and developmental epileptic encephalopathy caused by IQSEC2 gene variation PDF
Li LIN, Zhen‐zhen CUI, Fan HE, Xiao‐ling ZHAO, Dan‐qun JIN, Bin YANG 674-683

Case Report

Endovascular treatment of acute straight sinus thrombosis: one case report PDF
Yue‐xin MEI, Xin‐ran CHEN, Hong‐bing CHEN 684-688
Multiple intracranial aneurysms with long⁃term follow⁃up: one case report PDF
Shi‐qiang WANG, Xiao‐yan HE, Tao GENG, Chang‐xing PENG 689-694

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

ISSN: 1672-6731