Table of Contents

Special Topic

Establish the concept of "synchronous treatment for brain and heart" to help the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of brain and heart comorbidity PDF
Shu⁃juan LI, Ya⁃jun MA 65-67

Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain and Heart Comorbidity

Brain and heart connection and the potential mechanisms in brain and heart comorbidity PDF
Yu⁃xin ZHUO, Chen YE, Ling QIN, Shuai JIANG, Bo WU 68-74
Diagnostic value of cardiac magnetic resonance in occult cardiac embolism PDF
Wen⁃xian SUN, Bo SONG 75-78
Application of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in cardiovascular surgery PDF
Ying⁃hua ZHOU, Gui⁃tao ZHANG, Qi⁃lin ZHOU, Ya⁃jun MA, Shu⁃juan LI 79-83
Anticoagulation initiation after non ⁃ valvular atrial fibrillation with acute ischemic stroke PDF
Feng⁃min LU, Dong⁃yan WU 84-90
Cerebrovascular complications associated with infective endocarditis and anticoagulant treatment strategies PDF
Muhetaer XIAOKAITIJIANG, Feng ZHAO 91-96
Risk factors and treatment strategies for perioperative neurological complications in aortic dissection surgery PDF
Jian⁃yu WANG, Yun⁃peng BAI 97-101
Effect of Mediterranean diet on brain and heart comorbidity in the elderly PDF
Pei⁃fang XIAO 102-105
Prevention and management strategies of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular comorbidity PDF
Pei⁃jian WANG, Ming WEI 106-112

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ISSN: 1672-6731