Table of Contents
Special Topic
Research progress on epilepsy in 2022 | |
Qun WANG, Wei SHAN, Hua⁃jun YANG | 149-155 |
Special Reviews
Subcortical structures and epilepsy | |
Qiong ZHANG, Li FENG | 156-160 |
Application progress of 7T ultra⁃high field MRI in diagnosis and treatment of drug⁃resistant epilepsy | |
Yi GE, Cong CHEN, Shuang WANG, Yao DING | 161-166 |
Advances on disease modifying drugs for post⁃stroke epilepsy | |
Ying XU, Jing QI, Qun WANG | 167-172 |
Research of deep brain stimulation in the treatment of drug⁃resistant epilepsy | |
Meng⁃ying WANG, Feng HU, Kai SHU, Hong⁃bin CAI, Hui⁃cong KANG | 173-178 |
Epilepsy and Related Disorder
Differential effects of rapid hypothermia on pyramidal neurons and interneurons in epileptogenic tissue of epileptic patients | |
Guo⁃ping REN, Tao YU, Yue XING, Li⁃peng CHENG, Jiao⁃yang WANG, Xiao⁃ming YAN, Qun WANG, Guo⁃jun ZHANG, Xiao⁃feng YANG | 179-188 |
Neural network of fear emotion based on stereo⁃electroencephalography recording | |
Jing WANG, Xiao⁃lin TIAN, Xiong⁃fei WANG, Meng⁃yang WANG, Guo⁃ming LUAN | 189-195 |
Analysis of clinical phenotype and gene variation characteristics of potassium channel gene variation in infants with epileptic encephalopathy | |
Rong XU, Ze⁃shu NING, Qing⁃yun KANG, Bo CHEN, Hong⁃mei LIAO, Li⁃ming YANG, Li⁃wen WU | 196-204 |
Clinical characteristics analysis of autoimmune encephalitis with epileptic seizure | |
Yu⁃mei GENG, Cun LI, Hui⁃min LI, Meng⁃ying WANG, Hui⁃cong KANG | 205-213 |
Clinical and electroencephalographic characteristics of symptomatic episodes in anti⁃leucine rich glioma inactivated 1 antibody⁃associated autoimmune encephalitis | |
Cheng⁃yu LI, Sheng⁃song WANG, Chao CHEN, Wei⁃xiong SHI, Qun WANG, Xiao⁃qiu SHAO | 214-222 |
Effect of inhibiting the expression of miRNA⁃193a⁃5p on hippocampal neuron protection in epileptic model rats | |
Di⁃mi ZHOU, Lu GAN, Lin CHEN, Cheng⁃fang ZHOU | 223-232 |
Case Report
Anti⁃Amphiphysin antibody⁃associated limbic encephalitis with sleep disorder: one case report | |
Yu⁃di ZHANG, Rui⁃juan LÜ, Na LI, Chang⁃qing ZHANG, Xiao⁃qiu SHAO, Qun WANG | 233-237 |
Functional Neurological Disorder
Diagnosis and treatment of functional facial disorders | |
Xiao⁃ling PAN, Gang WANG | 238-242 |
Functional visual disorder: one case report | |
Shen⁃yi KUANG, Shu⁃fan ZHANG, Xiang HAN, Shi⁃lin YANG | 243-246 |
Basic Research
A preliminary study on transforming growth factor⁃β combined with CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ T cells in detecting the immune microenvironment of glioblastoma | |
Min⁃ting LIU, Li⁃jun DAI, Zhen⁃bin ZHANG, Yuan SHAO, Ming⁃yao LAI, Xiao⁃tan ZHANG | 247-253 |
Clinical Study
The value of diffusion kurtosis imaging histogram combine with EphA2 grading in glioma grading | |
Jian⁃rui LI, Xiao⁃xue LIU, Qiang XU, Zhong⁃qiang LUO, Guang⁃ming LU, Zhi⁃qiang ZHANG | 254-263 |
Advances on the genetic mechanism of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | |
Qian⁃qian ZHAO, Wan⁃zhen LI, Bei⁃sha TANG, Jun⁃ling WANG | 264-269 |

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ISSN: 1672-6731