Table of Contents
Special Topic
Neuromodulation technique helps the development of rehabilitation medicine | |
Jia⁃ling WU | 915-921 |
Special Reviews
Application progress of computer ⁃ assisted cognitive rehabilitation in post ⁃ stroke cognitive impairment | |
Yu⁃fan LIN, Xiao⁃xia DU | 922-926 |
Research progress on vagus nerve stimulation for post ⁃ stroke upper limb motor disorders | |
Chao⁃hua QU, Ting⁃ting WANG, Yun QU | 927-931 |
Neurological Rehabilitation
Analysis of rehabilitation effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation based on resting⁃state fMRI in post⁃stroke cognitive impairment patients with low thyroid hormone levels | |
Hao⁃nan MEI, Jiang MA, Wan⁃ying SHI, Hong LI, Jun ZHANG, Xiao⁃lin TAO, Qing⁃qing ZHAO, Yu LIU, Ya⁃yong LI, Jian⁃xing HUO | 932-939 |
Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on pain and emotion of patients with neuropathic pain | |
Kun⁃long ZHANG, Bai⁃jie XUE, Wei XIAO, Xiao⁃long SUN, Ya⁃yun WANG, Hua YUAN | 940-947 |
Rehabilitation effect of virtual reality technology combined with group mode training in post⁃stroke depression patients | |
Li⁃qun WANG, Miao⁃miao YIN, Ya⁃qing LI, Li⁃ling CUI, Hong⁃tu WANG, Yue ZHANG | 948-955 |
Changes of brain activation and networks in patients with spinal cord injury based on functional near⁃infrared spectroscopy | |
Zhi⁃fang SUN, Xing⁃lou LI, Wei⁃zhen SUN, Mei⁃ling LUO, Yong⁃hui WANG | 956-964 |
Characteristics of walking and static standing in stroke patients with or without vestibular symptoms | |
Yue ZHANG, Miao⁃miao YIN, Ya⁃qing LI, Li⁃qun WANG, Li⁃ling CUI, Ya⁃jing WANG, Jia⁃ling WU | 965-972 |
Technology and Method
Experimental study on electroreactivity and electrocoagulation of interventional materials | |
Tao WU, Yao WU, Ai⁃lin CHEN, Chun⁃gang DAI, Qing ZHU | 973-980 |
Basic Research
The role and mechanism of erythroid precursor cells in Alzheimer's disease | |
Na LI, Xiao⁃li LIU, Ai⁃qin ZHU, Lin AI | 981-987 |
Clinical Study
Intertemporal decision⁃making disorder in patients with Parkinson's disease | |
Fei XIE, Qiu⁃wan LIU, Zhi GENG, Pan⁃pan HU, Jun⁃cang WU | 988-992 |
Survival analysis of postoperative recurrence of meningioma: 176 cases report | |
Guan⁃you HUANG, Shu⁃yu HAO, Liang WANG, Li⁃wei ZHANG, Jun⁃ting ZHANG, Zhen WU | 993-999 |
Research progress of generalized electroencephalography suppression after epileptic seizure as an electroencephalography marker of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy | |
Mei CHEN, Hou⁃fen WANG, Meng⁃ting SHI, Yun⁃li YU | 1000-1004 |
Case Report
Acute cerebral infarction induced by hornet sting: one case report | |
Zhen⁃ping DU, Hui⁃ping LI, Ai⁃li LU, Li⁃xin WANG | 1005-1008 |

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ISSN: 1672-6731