Table of Contents
Special Topic
Cerebrovascular bypass in 50 years | |
Dong⁃hai WANG, Fei WANG | 331-334 |
Special Reviews
Vascular reconstruction related to V3 segment of extracranial vertebral artery | |
Xuan WANG, Xiao⁃guang TONG | 335-340 |
Cerebral Revascularization
Clinical significance of cerebral collateral circulation assessment based on Balloon Test Occlusion | |
Zeng⁃feng SUN, Yan⁃guo SHANG, Zhi⁃guo SHENG, Hua⁃yu ZHU, Xiao⁃guang TONG | 341-347 |
Short⁃term neurological function and clinical symptom improvement after cerebral revascularization in adults with moyamoya disease: a single⁃center study | |
Shi⁃hao HE, Zi⁃qi LIU, Rong WANG | 348-352 |
Analysis of middle cerebral artery blood flow in moyamoya disease and comparison of orthodromic and antidromic bypass | |
Yu⁃jun LIAO, Kang⁃min HE, Bin XU | 353-358 |
The clinical effect analysis of internal maxillary artery⁃radial artery⁃cerebral artery bypass for the treatment of cerebral vascular disease | |
Zhi⁃yong TONG, Yuan LIU, Gang WANG, Huai⁃yu SUN, Guan⁃dong YU, Jin⁃song ZHANG, Jin⁃gang CHU | 359-367 |
Clinical analysis of superficial temporal artery ⁃ middle cerebral artery bypass combined with temporoparietal fascia in the treatment of moyamoya disease | |
Ben⁃lin WANG, Yang SUN, Qi LI, Xiao⁃guang TONG | 368-373 |
Clinical features and predictive factors of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after cerebrovascular reconstruction in moyamoya disease | |
Wei KUANG, Xin LI, Feng XIAO, Hua GUO | 374-379 |
Risk factors analysis of complications after cerebrovascular bypass in patients with moyamoya disease | |
Kai⁃ning LIU, Tao SUN, Meng⁃tao HAN, Ping ZHANG, Peng ZHAO, Dong⁃hai WANG, Gang LI | 380-385 |
Technology and Method
The vessels separation by bipolar cautery: a new application in cerebral revascularization | |
Yin LI, Yong⁃jie WANG, Yang CAO, Guo⁃yang ZHOU, Yuan YAO, Lin WANG | 386-392 |
Basic Research
JSH⁃23 combined with Stattic inhibits proliferation and migration of glioma cells by targeting NF⁃κB and STAT3 signaling pathways | |
Xiao REN, Jia⁃bo LI, Xu⁃ya WANG, Jin⁃hao ZHANG, Yi⁃ming ZHANG, Ji⁃kang FAN, Li YI, Chen ZHANG, Sheng⁃ping YU, Xue⁃jun YANG | 393-403 |
Clinical Study
Clinical characteristics and MRI features of IDH⁃mutant in insular glioma | |
Zi⁃feng ZHANG, Zheng⁃xu ZHOU, Wen⁃tian TANG, Xun⁃ning HONG, Xie⁃feng WANG, Gang CHENG, Ning LIU, Ai⁃lin LU, Jun⁃xia ZHANG, Yong⁃ping YOU | 404-413 |
The analysis of risk factors for stress ulcers after the surgery of acute cerebral hemorrhage and construction of Nomogram prediction model | |
Han⁃zhi QIN, Ai⁃qin CHU, Jian SUN, Zhen⁃wei ZHANG, Zhong⁃li WANG, Chao⁃shi NIU | 414-421 |
The characteristics of cardiac involvement in 113 patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic academia and stroke⁃like episodes | |
Xu⁃tong ZHAO, Jie WANG, Yong⁃jie ZHUO, Qi WANG, Ying YANG, Lin LIU, Wen⁃hui DING, Yun YUAN, Zhao⁃xia WANG | 422-428 |
Advances in related research about the development of glioma and its relationship with human cytomegalovirus infection | |
Ke YAN, Hai⁃feng ZHAO, Jie WU, Wei⁃hua WANG, Wen⁃yu ZHU, Qiang HUANG | 429-433 |
The application of susceptibility⁃weighted imaging in cerebral vascular disease | |
Jie⁃yu LI, Lei YU, Wei⁃ping SUN | 434-438 |
Case Report
Myxoid glioneuronal tumor in children: one case report | |
Meng⁃ze WANG, Lei YANG, Qian⁃hao ZHAO | 439-443 |

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ISSN: 1672-6731