Table of Contents
Special Topic
Non⁃pharmacological interventions of early Alzheimer's disease should be emphasized | |
Sheng⁃di CHEN, Rong FANG | 913-917 |
Standard and Guideline
Chinese experts consensus on the optimized application of PET imaging in the diagnosis of dementia (2021 edition) | |
Congress of Neuro⁃Degenerative Disease Committee of the Chinese Society of Microcirculation | 918-926 |
Special Reviews
Development and application progress of cognitive assessment scales | |
Zong⁃shan LI, Li⁃li WEI, Ya⁃xing GUI, Wei CHEN | 927-933 |
Research advance of the mechanism of cancer⁃related cognitive impairment | |
Ji⁃wei JIANG, Wen⁃yi LI, Yan⁃li WANG, Yue YIN, Yuan ZHANG, Jun XU | 934-941 |
Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Dementia
The effect of signal pathways on the neural KATP subunits SUR1/Kir6.2 expression induced by Aβ1-42 | |
Yan⁃ju LI, Ge ZHANG, Xiao⁃jing WANG, Xiao⁃min XING, Guo⁃zhao MA | 942-950 |
Characteristics of cognitive and neuropsychiatric behavioral features of Alzheimer's disease with white matter lesion | |
Yuan CHEN, Miao ZHANG, Yan WANG, Hui⁃hong ZHANG, Yu⁃ying ZHOU, Pan LI | 951-959 |
Characteristic analysis of autonomic dysfunction in patients with Alzheimer's disease | |
Mei CHEN, Hua⁃long WANG, Xin GUO, Ying XU, Gang WANG | 960-966 |
Early⁃onset Alzheimer's disease caused by PSEN1 gene mutation: two cases reports and literature review | |
Yuan ZHANG, Meng⁃fan SUN, Zi⁃yan JIA, Ji⁃wei JIANG, Yan⁃li WANG, Jun XU | 967-975 |
Cognitive and olfactory function profiles of frontotemporal lobar degeneration | |
Yu⁃chao DOU, Yu⁃qing LI, Yong JI, Pan LI, Yu⁃ying ZHOU | 976-981 |
Clinical Study
Study on the incidence and related risk factors for impulsive control disorders in Parkinson's disease | |
Xin XIE, Xiao⁃guang LUO, Rong⁃jie CHEN | 982-987 |
Resection of gliomas by intraoperative high⁃field MRI combined with fluorescence⁃guided | |
Ze⁃ping DONG, Yang ZHAO, Fan CHEN, Wen⁃zhong LI, Da⁃wei CHEN | 988-993 |
Cerebral vascular reconstruction in the treatment of abnormal anastomosis of origin posterior inferior cerebellar artery complicated with aneurysms: two cases reports and literature review | |
Hong⁃wei YIN, Cheng⁃hao SHANG, Guang⁃hao ZHANG, Nan LÜ, Jian⁃min LIU, Qiang LI | 994-1000 |
Preliminary study on double ⁃ dose icotinib successfully treated leptomeningeal metastasis in lung adenocarcinoma patient with EGFR gene sensitive mutation | |
Mei LIU, Ning MU, Chun⁃hua MA, Jin⁃duo LI, Lin LI, Rong JIANG | 1001-1006 |
Stroke during pregnancy and postpartum | |
Yu⁃jian LI, Jun ZHENG, Hao LI | 1007-1012 |
Case Report
Autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein astrocytosis: one case report | |
Gang HUANG, Yan⁃mei WANG, Xu⁃fang XIE | 1013-1017 |
Recurrent glioblastoma with unmethylated MGMT promoter treated by temozolomide + bevacizumab + tumor⁃treating fields: one case report | |
Bo⁃cheng YANG, Li JIANG, Quan⁃hong SHI, Yan ZHAN, Xiao⁃chuan SUN, Yan⁃feng XIE | 1018-1020 |
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