Table of Contents
Special Topic
The future of neuroimmunology | |
Sheng CHEN, Qin⁃ming ZHOU, You NI | 757-759 |
Special Reviews
Research progress of cerebral amyloid angiopathy associated with inflammation | |
Wen⁃hao ZHANG, Ran LIU, Yi⁃ning HUANG | 760-765 |
Clinical progress of immune⁃related movement disorder | |
Hong⁃qin SHI, Huan⁃yu MENG, Hua⁃feng LIANG, Sheng CHEN | 766-772 |
Immuno⁃neruologic Disease
Clinical and imaging differences between limb⁃girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B and immune⁃mediated necrotizing myopathy | |
Ya⁃wen ZHAO, Yan⁃li WANG, Zhao⁃xia WANG, Wei ZHANG, Yun YUAN | 773-778 |
Polymorphism of peripheral blood T cell receptor β chain variable region in patients with clinically isolated syndrome | |
Yan WU, Ji⁃hong ZHANG, Hui⁃qing DONG, Da⁃wei LI, Zheng LIU, Sui⁃gui WAN | 779-787 |
The differential expression of CD4- CD8- double negative T lymphocytes in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders and multiple sclerosis | |
Jing SHA, Li⁃juan YANG, Maimaiti Mayinuer, Hong⁃yan LI | 788-793 |
Clinical characteristics of patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders with other autoantibodies | |
Miao⁃chang LI, Rui LI, Yu YANG, Ting⁃ting LU, Wei QIU, Yu⁃ge WANG | 794-799 |
Clinical study on the effect of inflammation on severe stenosis or occlusion of intracranial and extracranial arteries | |
Jun LI, Lei ZHAO, Wei FU, Jian WU | 800-805 |
Clinical analysis of anti⁃leucine⁃rich glioma⁃inactivated 1 antibody⁃related encephalitis | |
Qing⁃qing ZHAO, Shu⁃juan DAI, Ming⁃da AI, Ling CHEN, Qing⁃long AI | 806-812 |
Characteristics of cognitive⁃neuropsychiatric behavioural features and 18F⁃FDG PET images in progressive supranuclear palsy and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia | |
Pan WANG, Hui⁃hong ZHANG, Yan WANG, Miao ZHANG, Yuan CHEN, Xiao⁃lin XU, Yu⁃ying ZHOU | 813-820 |
Clinical Study
Clinical and EEG characteristics of Rasmussen encephalitis in different age groups | |
Zhao⁃fen YAN, Jing WANG, Guo⁃ming LUAN, Jian ZHOU, Yu⁃guang GUANG, Feng ZHAI, Meng⁃yang WANG | 821-826 |
Analysis of related risk factors of acute ischemic stroke after surgical clipping of ruptured intracranial aneurysms | |
Xiang LAI, Wen⁃bo ZHANG, Min YE, Ming⁃li LIANG, Xiao⁃ping LIU, Guang⁃yu ZHANG, Jun⁃hua YE | 827-831 |
Case Report
Crowned dens syndrome: one case report | |
Pan HUANG, Min XU, Xiao⁃ying HE | 832-834 |
Epidural epidermoid cyst on the middle fossa: one case report | |
Tao YANG, Yu⁃yu WANG, Hong⁃xin ZHAO, Jian⁃dong ZHU, Yi LI | 835-838 |
Eisai Vertigo Forum
Vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm associated with GP1BA gene mutation with the first symptom of positional vertigo: one case report | |
He⁃ling CHU | 839-842 |

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ISSN: 1672-6731