Microsurgical DREZotomy in the treatment of chronic pain due to spinal cord and cauda equina injuries: 2 cases report and related literature review
Objective The dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) is a hyperactive focus in neuropathic pain (NP) syndromes, and DREZotomy has been used in selective cases of NP. This study aims to investigate the therapeutic effect of microsurgical DREZotomy in chronic pain due to spinal cord and cauda equina injuries. Methods Two patients suffered with chronic pain due to spinal cord and cauda equina injuries were treated with microsurgical DREZotomy, and postoperative therapeutic effect and complications were observed. Results One patient had great pain, and the pain was alleviated 2 weeks after surgery, while carbamazepine (300 mg/d) was administered continously. Another patient was completely free of pain 2 weeks after surgery, and no recurrence occurred during 3-year follow up. No severe complications were found in the 2 patients. Conclusion Microsurgical DREZotomy is an effective approach in treating chronic pain due to spinal cord and cauda equina injuries.
Pain; Spinal cord injuries; Caude equina; Neurosurgical procedures

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