The correlation of small spikes in Rolandic area and epileptic seizures
The correlation between small spikes in Rolandic area and epileptic seizures was investigated. In this thesis, small spikes in Rolandic area were found in 118 cases recorded by video electroencephalogram (VEEG) monitoring. And the 118 patients were chose to be studied in our research. Among the 118 cases, 62 were male and 56 were female. The youngest was only 3-month-old, and the eldest was 4 years and 5 months old. Eighty-five cases were between 3 months and 2 years old which accounted for 72.03%. There were 101 patients (85.59%) having seizures: 42 cases (35.59%) of febrile convulsion, 35 (29.66%) of benign infantile convulsions with mild gastroenteritis (BICG) and 24 (20.34%) of epilepsy; 17 cases (14.41%) of non-epileptic seizures. Hence, there is high correlation between infantile small spikes in Rolandic area and epileptic seizures. But it does not indicate any specificity. Whether small spikes in Rolandic area can be used as certain evidence to diagnose epilepsy and locate the onset of lesions requires further study to confirm.
Epilepsy; Electroencephalography; Child, preschool

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