Prevention of ischemic stroke in diabetic patients
Diabetes can cause more than double risk of ischemic stroke and is associated with with poor long-term prognosis after ischemic stroke. Surprisingly, intensively treating hyperglycemia has not been shown to have beneficial outcomes in either primary or secondary prevention in stroke disease. Encouragingly, multifactorial management of risk factors of ischemic stroke, in particular, lifestyle, glucose concentration, hypertension, and dyslipidemia will prevent a substantial number of ischemic stroke and improve the prognosis in diabetic patients. Antithrombotic treatment and carotid surgery are also essential for primary and secondary stroke prevention in selected diabetic patients. Evidence for primary and secondary prevention of ischemic stroke in diabetic patients is steadily evolving, and it is imperative that clinicians are actively informed regarding the latest advance in order to better implement stroke prevention in diabetic patients.
Brain ischemia; Stroke; Prevention; Diabetes mellitus

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