The application and progress of multimodality image fusion in neurosurgery
With the advance of medical imaging, multimodality image fusion emerged to combine the advantages of anatomical imaging including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), B Ultrasonography (BUS), etc. and functional imaging including functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), positron⁃emission tomography (PET), etc., and has made great progress. Accordingly, the neurosurgical concept has changed dramatically. In recent years, functional neuronavigation and intraoperative MRI (iMRI) based on image fusion have made revolutionary progress in neurosurgical procedures, especially for cerebral parenchymal lesions. With the help of multimodal functional neuronavigation, neurosurgeons can intraoperatively mark and protect the brain functional structure. This new technology improves the surgical effect a lot in brain functional areas, reduces postoperative complications, and maximally ensures high quality of life and long survival of patients after operation.
Tomography, spiral computed; Magnetic resonance imaging; Ultrasonography; Positron⁃emission tomography; Neurosurgery; Review

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