Application of balloon guide catheter in emergency endovascular thrombectomy for large vessel occlusion
Endovascular thrombectomy is a first ⁃ line treatment option for acute large vesselocclusive ischemic stroke after strict selection, which is an effective method to improve the good prognosisrate of patients. More and more evidence⁃based medicine proves that balloon guide catheter (BGC) canshorten the reperfusion time, increase the rate of initial reperfusion, and reduce the risk of distal embolismdue to it's proximal blood flow occlusion, but the application of BGC in emergency endovascularthrombectomy is still limited. This review summarizes the clinical application progress of BGC to providetheoretical basis for it's application in emergency endovascular thrombectomy.
Ischemic stroke; Thrombectomy; Balloon guide catheter (not in MeSH); Review

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