Analysis of traditional Chinese medicine's understanding of functional movement disorder from ancient medical records

Yu⁃dong LIN, Bei⁃lei FENG, Gang WANG


Functional movement disorder (FMD) is a common functional neurological disorder (FND), which is mainly manifested as subjective dyskinesia and cannot be explained by existing diseases. Although there was no record of the corresponding disease name in ancient Chinese medicine, the disease caused by mental and psychological factors has been long recognized, and a large number of documents have been left to record the diagnosis and treatment process of such diseases. In this paper, three typical ancient medical cases related to FMD were reviewed, and the traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment ideas and modern medicine recognition of these diseases were systematically sorted out, so as to broaden the clinical treatment ideas of the disease.

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672⁃6731.2023.12.003


Conversion disorder; Motor disorders; Traditional Chinese medicine

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