Hypertension in young and middle⁃aged adults, a big problem that should be paid great attention in China
In the past 2 decades, there is rapid grow on the proportion of abnormal blood pressure (BP, including high normal BP and hypertension grade 1-3) in young and middle⁃aged Chinese population. On the contrary, the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension are obviously low. Overweight, inactivity, unhealthy eating habits, alcoholism, smoking and sleep insufficiency are the main causes of abnormal BP in young and middle⁃aged adults. At the same time, the incidence of hypertension attributable cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, stroke) show a rapid upward trend in the young and middle⁃aged adults. Although the proportion of ischemic stroke in young and middle⁃adults is much higher than that of hemorrhagic stroke in absolute numbers, the growth rate of hemorrhagic stroke is accelerating, which composes a major threat to the health of young and middle⁃adults. As the base of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral small vessel disease has different manifestations in the formation and development stages of stroke, and has significant clinical risk indication and prognosis prediction value. Extensive screening should be advocated in young and middle⁃aged adults with abnormal BP.

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