Interpretation of "Clinical guidelines for neurorestorative in spinal cord injury (2021 China version)"

Ning CAO, Ya⁃ping FENG, Jia⁃xin XIE


According to the clinical treatment evidence of spinal cord injury (SCI) published in recent years, the Chinese Association of Neurorestoratology (Preparatory) had revised and updated the "Clinical therapeutic guideline for neurorestoration in spinal cord injury (Chinese version 2016)", and released the "Clinical guidelines for neurorestorative in spinal cord injury (2021 China version)" in March 2021. "2021 China version" provided comprehensive management strategies for SCI, which contains evaluation and diagnosis, pre⁃hospital first aid, treatment principle, rehabilitation training, and complication management. This paper intends to interpret the revisions and updates of the "2021 China version", and provide treatment standards or references for clinicians and researchers.




Spinal cord injuries; Rehabilitation; Guideline; China

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