Significance and progress of the construction of human brain bank for the patients of brain tumors in China
The treatment of brain tumors, especially the malignant brain tumors, has entered in the bottleneck period at present. It is difficult for traditional molecular biology, cell and animal experiments to make a major breakthrough in the treatment of brain tumors, so researchers have turned their attention to the anatomy and pathology of human whole brain tissue. However, the human whole brain tissue which is available for research is extremely deficient. It is of great significance to encourage brain tumors patients to donate organs and establish a standard human brain tissue resource bank of brain tumors (shortened to brain bank) for the research of brain science and providing new treatment ideas for brain tumors, while the construction of brain bank in China started late, with a relatively small scale and relatively slow development. This paper intends to provide guidance for the construction and improvement of brain bank and specific brain tumors related brain bank in China by drawing on the relevant experience of the construction of brain bank in other countries.

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