Interpretation on adult ⁃ type diffuse gliomas in the 2021 WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System (fifth edition)

Liang WANG, Ya⁃wen PAN, Yan QU, Li GONG


Recently, the 2021 WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System (fifth edition) was published. It is the first time to divide diffuse gliomas into adult and pediatric types. Adult⁃type diffuse gliomas include three types: astrocytoma, IDH⁃mutant; oligodendroglioma, IDH⁃mutant, and 1p/19q⁃codeleted; glioblastoma, IDH⁃wildtype. Now, we review classification and diagnosis of adult⁃type diffuse gliomas for further accurate understanding and application of new edition tumors classification.




Glioma; Glioblastoma; Guidelines; World Health Organization; Adult; Review

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