Temporal plus epilepsy: the conception should be attack great importance and inquiring
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) is thought to be a network disease, most of them are medical intractable epilepsy. Surgery has benefit outcome, unfortunately, 20%-30% patients with mTLE who undergo surgery fail to achive seizure freedom. One of the causes for failure of surgery is the epileptogenic zone extends from the medial temporal lobe to the lateral and surrending cortices of the temporal lobe. For this reason, Ryvlin and Kahane introduced the conception of temporal plus epilepsy (TPE). Thereafter, the studies of neuroelectrophysiology especially intracranial recordings, MRI, fMRI and DTI have been demenstrated that TPE is a subtype of mTLE. Clinically, the symptoms of TPE should be including both the medial temporal lobe and surrending areas. Scalp EEG recordings are different from the mTLE, since the abnormal findings frenquently exhibit more extensive areas. Therefore, the TPE remain to be determined. Intracranial EEG, epicially SEEG method is especially well⁃adapted to investigate TPE. TPE is medicinal intractable epilepsy, neurosurgery must be resect the epileptogenic zone totally. If the term temporal plus epilepsy translate to Chinese by word⁃for⁃word, what does it means by that? In fact the TPE is a multilobar epilepsy.

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