Research progress on Na+⁃K+⁃2Cl-cotransporter 1 and its relationship to nervoussystem diseases
Na+ ⁃ K+ ⁃ 2Cl- cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) which plays an important role in the dynamic balance of Cl- ions, is one of the cation⁃chloride cotransporter. It is a membrane protein that transferred the mediates Na+ , K+ and Cl- . The expression quantity or activity of NKCC1 changes with the changes in physiological and pathological conditions, thereby regulating the intracellular concentration of Cl- and the excitability of neurons. This article reviews the NKCC1's expression and regulation mode of activity as well as the effects of NKCC1 in the pathogenesis of various neurological diseases and the effects in the treatment, aiming at providing theoretical clues for the relevant future studies.
Sodium ⁃ potassium ⁃ chlorine symporters; DNA methylation; gamma ⁃ aminobutyric acid; Nervous system diseases; Review

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