Research progress of migraine and patent foramen ovale

Kai LIU, Jia⁃wei ZHAO, Rui ZHANG, Yuan GAO, Han LIU, Yu⁃ming XU, Bo SONG


Migraine is a common clinical chronic neurovascular disease, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. Studies have shown that patent foramen ovale (PFO) may be related to migraine, such as transient hypoxemia caused by patent foramen ovale related right ⁃ to ⁃ left shunt, or vasoactive substances passing through an unclosed oval foramen, avoiding lung tissue metabolism and directly entering the arterial system, and contradictory micro⁃embolism and other mechanisms may be related to migraines related to patent foramen ovale, especially migraine with aura. The closure of patent foramen ovale can benefit some migraine patients. This article intends to outline the relationship between patent foramen ovale and migraine, and its mechanism, prevention and treatment.



Migraine disorders; Foramen ovale, patent; Cardiac catheterization; Review

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