Treatment strategy of endovascular recanalization for chronic ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion
The diagnosis and treatment of chronic large vessel occlusion is in its infancy period. At present, few studies reported some successful cases, but on the whole, the opening of large vessel occlusion is in a state of exploration in terms of preoperative evaluation, patient selection, technical methods and also evidence⁃based medicine. With improvement of the experience of multi⁃disciplinary doctors, as well as the updating and iteration of nerve⁃interventional materials, the level of diagnosis and treatment of large vessel occlusion is constantly improving. We focus on the current situation and problems of endovascular treatment of chronic macrovascular occlusion in order to provide valuable experience for the future development of this work.
Arterial occlusive diseases; Carotid artery diseases; Intracranial arterial diseases; Angioplasty; Review

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