Immune⁃related diseases in neurosurgery
Some primary or secondary diseases of the central nervous system are closely related tohuman immune system. Autoimmune diseases such as multiple Takayasu arteritis (MTA) can causeintracranial vascular lesions. The disorder of autoimmune system can cause limbic encephalitis (LE) andautoimmune hypophysitis (AH). Patients with immunodeficiency disease are prone to opportunisticinfections of the nervous system and malignant lymphoma. At present, the pathogenesis of many immune⁃related diseases in neurosurgery are not clear, and there is a lack of "golden standard" for diagnosis. Someimmune⁃related diseases in neurosurgery, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encephalopathy andparaneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS), have low incidence and high clinical misdiagnosis rate. Mostof the immune⁃related diseases in neurosurgery have their own characteristics in terms of pathophysiology,clinical and imaging feature, etc. Understanding these characteristics will be of great help to the diagnosisand differential diagnosis of relevant clinical diseases. This paper intends to briefly describe the commonimmune ⁃ related diseases in neurosurgery, so as to improve clinicians' understanding of immune ⁃ relateddiseases in neurosurgery and even save more patients' lives.

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