The application of dendritic cells vaccination in malignant glioma

Hong⁃yu LIU, Shao⁃ping SHEN, Lin YANG, Xin⁃guang YU, Ling CHEN


Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and fatal primary adult brain tumor. To date,various promising chemotherapeutic regimens have been trialed for use in GBM; however, temozolomide(TMZ) therapy remains the only first ⁃ line chemotherapeutic option for newly diagnosed GBM. Despitemaximal therapy with surgery and combined concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and adjuvant TMZtherapy, the median overall survival (OS) remains approximately 14.6 months. Given the failure ofconventional chemotherapeutic strategies in GBM, there has been renewed interest in the role ofimmunotherapy in GBM. Dendritic cells (DC) are immune antigen⁃presenting cell (APC) that play a role inboth the innate and adaptive immune system, thereby making them prime vehicles for immunotherapy viaDC vaccinations in various cancers. There is great enthusiasm surrounding the use of vaccinations for GBMwith multiple ongoing trials. In this review, we summarize the progress, prospects and challenges of DCvaccine in the treatment of GBM.



Glioma; Dendritic cells; Cancer vaccines; Immunotherapy; Review

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