The situations and strategies of amyloid⁃β⁃directed passive immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease

Ya LI, An⁃ni ZHANG, Xu⁃ling WU, Yan ZHAO, Gang CAI, Dian HE


It is widely believed that amyloid β⁃protein (Aβ) plays a core role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Thus A β is one of main targets in the therapeutic explorations for AD. Currently, clearance of A β by passive immunotherapy is an important strategy for the treatment of AD. However, no consistent conclusions have been obtained from various clinical trails. We summarize the current situations of A β⁃directed passive immunotherapy for AD, and speculate that the failure of A β⁃directed passive immunotherapy for AD may be related to the intrinsic characteristics of A β⁃IgG glycosylation. Therefore, modifications of N ⁃ glycosylation on the Fc domain of A β⁃IgG and using a sequential administration mode of proinflammation⁃antiinflammation may be an effective strategy for passive immunotherapy for AD.



Alzheimer disease; Amyloid beta⁃peptides; Immunization, passive; Review

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