The pathological features of ganglioglioma with tanycytic ependymoma as the glial component
Objective To explore the pathological features of ganglioglioma with tanycytic ependymoma as the glial component. Methods One case of ganglioglioma was studied by paraffin slices, HE staining, immunohistochemistry markers and observed under microscopy. Results A 21 ⁃ year ⁃ old woman mainly presented with intermittent physical convulsion and dizziness. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated an occupying lesion in right parietal lobe. It was seen in the operation that the tumor was located in right parietal lobe. The tumor measuring about 4.50 cm × 4.00 cm × 4.00 cm was tenacious and grey⁃red in color. The blood supply was general. Most parts of the tumor boundary were clear. After removing the tumor, it was found that the operated cavity was communicated with lateral ventricle. Under microscope it was seen that the tumor was composed of tumorous glial cells and gangliocytes. The glial components were tanycytic ependymoma cells and glial cells arranged in a spreading bundle pattern. Perivascular pseudorosettes could be seen in the tumor. The distribution of gangliocytes was not uiform. Most gangliocytes were well⁃differentiated. Immunohistochemistry showed that tanycytic ependymoma cells were reactive with antibodies of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vimentin (Vim) and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), while gangliocytes were reactive with antibodies of neuronal nuclei (NeuN) and neurofilament protein (NF). Conclusion Ganglioglioma is a kind of rare tumor originated from neurepithelium. It is well⁃differentiated and retardation in growth. It is composed of tumorous glial cells and gangliocytes. The most tumorous glial components are astrocytes. Ganglioglioma with tanycytic ependymoma as the glial component is very rare. Grasping the tumor pathological features is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Glioma; Brain neoplasms; Ependymoma; Pathology; Immunohistochemistry

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