Experience in treating middle⁃aged and elderly patients with brain trauma⁃induced coagulopathy in primary hospitals

Zhu⁃feng GAO, Xiao⁃feng XU, Yong⁃qiang MAO, Shao⁃fei NI, Ying ZOU, Long⁃xing CAO


Objective This paper summarized the experience in treating middle⁃aged and elderly patients with brain trauma⁃induced coagulopathy (BTIC). Methods and Results From January 2015 to May 2019, 3 BTIC patients (50-85 years old) were diagnosed by clinical examination, laboratory coagulation test and CT scan. Trauma ⁃ induced coagulopathy (TIC) was corrected by craniotomy and decompression, and hematoma aspiration. Two cases (Case 1 and Case 2) were successfully treated while Case 3 was dead due to coagulation disorder and irreversible injury of nervous system. Conclusions Early diagnosis and early treatment could prevent the exacerbation of BTIC, even the patient over 80⁃year⁃old may be cured. However, for patients with particularly severe brain damage, there are still many difficulties, and new treatment methods need to be studied.



Craniocerebral trauma; Blood coagulation disorders; Middle aged; Aged

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