Study on changes of white matter fiber tracts network in patients with frontal glioma⁃ related epilepsy

Yu⁃chao LIANG, Chun⁃yao ZHOU, Lei WANG


Objective To investigate the changes of white matter fiber tracts network in patients with frontal glioma⁃related epilepsy (FGRE). Methods Thirteen FGRE patients and 13 normal subjects were collected prospectively from January 2014 to December 2017. After collecting the whole brain MRI data, and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) the tract⁃based spatial statistics (TBSS) analysis technique was used to find out the characteristics of white matter fiber tracts network changes in the whole brain area of FGRE patients. Results Compared with the normal group, the mean diffusivity (MD) values had significant changes in 3 index, including 13 fiber bundles (FWE correction, P < 0.05, for all) in FGRE group. The area of fractional anisotropy (FA) change was roughly the same as MD, but the difference did not reach statistical significance (FWE correction, P > 0.05). Conclusions The occurrence of FGRE is associated with changes in specific white matter fiber bundles outside the tumor area. DTI data and TBSS analysis are helpful to reveal the early changes of white matter fiber tracts network in FGRE patients. The change of MD value of corresponding fiber bundle can also be used as an imaging index to predict the risk of preoperative seizure in patients with FGRE.



Glioma; Frontal lobe; Epilepsy; Diffusion tensor imaging

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