Analysis of risk factors related to early post ⁃traumatic seizure in opening traumatic brain injury
Objective To explore the risk factors for early post ⁃ traumatic seizure (EPTS) in opening traumatic brain injury (TBI), and to propose prophylaxis of the seizures. Methods Ninety⁃one patients were identified in Shanghai Institute of Neurosurgery from September 2006 to September 2009. Information were obtained on opening TBI and early post ⁃ traumatic seizure from these patients. The clinical data were analysed retrospectively. Results Chi⁃square test showed that age (χ2 = 5.131, P = 0.023), severity of injury (χ2 = 6.302, P = 0.043), site of lesion (χ2 = 12.800, P = 0.046), contusion (χ2 = 7.187, P = 0.007), traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (χ2 = 11.092, P = 0.001), intracerebral hematoma (χ2 = 6.555, P = 0.010) and depressed fracture (χ2 = 8.463, P = 0.043) were all significantly correlated with early post⁃traumatic seizure in opening TBI. Logistic regression analysis revealed that risk factors for early post ⁃traumatic seizure were age (OR = 7.719, 95%CI = 1.129-52.777; P = 0.037), contusion (OR = 28.590, 95%CI = 2.241-364.734; P = 0.010), traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (OR = 8.244, 95%CI = 1.129-53.706; P = 0.028) and intracerebral hematoma (OR = 24.344, 95% CI = 2.415-345.395; P = 0.007). Conclusion Early post⁃traumatic seizure should be controlled promptly in patients with opening TBI, and anti⁃epileptic drugs should be used prophylactically on the patients with high risk factors.
Brain injuries; Epilepsy, post⁃traumatic; Risk factors; Regression analysis

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