Clinical study on deep brain electrode implantation assisted by ROSA system
Objective To evaluate the accuracy and safety of deep brain electrode implantation assisted by robotized stereotactic assistant (ROSA) system. Methods A total of 6 epileptic patients who had difficulty in positioning of epileptogenic focus underwent deep brain electrode implantation assisted by ROSA system. Record the maximum and minimum distance of electrode deviation according to postoperative CT and MRI and calculate the average distance, so as to evaluate the accuracy of operation. Record intraoperative electrode related bleeding events, postoperative electrode related bleeding or ischemic events and complications during the follow-up period, so as to evaluate the safety of operation. Results A total of 37 electrodes were successfully implanted in all 6 cases, with a success rate of 100%. Implanted electrodes were mainly located in medial temporal lobe, hippocampus and insular lobe (5 cases) and parieto-lobe (one case). The maximum deviation distance was 8.79 mm, and minimum was 1.14 mm, with an average of (3.65 ± 1.82) mm. Neither intraoperative electrode related bleeding event nor postoperative electrode related bleeding or ischemic event was found. No patient suffered from severe complications, such as intracranial infection, electrode disjunction, undesirable healing of scalp and wound infection, during the follow-up period from 3 to 5 months (mean 3.67 months). Conclusions Deep brain electrode implantation assisted by ROSA system is safe and accurate.
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2015.09.006

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