Assessment of long⁃term effects of aneurysms trapping and extracranial⁃intracranial bypass surgery in patients with complex cerebral aneurysms
Objective To study the long⁃term effects of extracranial⁃intracranial (EC⁃IC) bypass and aneurysms trapping in patients with complex cerebral aneurysms. Methods Seventeen patients with complex aneurysms, who underwent EC ⁃ IC bypass and aneurysms trapping from 2008 to 2009, were followed up. Clinical records were reviewed, modified Rankin Scale (mRS) was recorded at admission, discharging, and follow⁃up point, and activities of daily living (ADL) scale (Barthel Index) at admission and follow⁃up point. Results Seventeen patients (11 males and 6 females) were followed up. At admission mRS scores were 1.06 ± 0.87, Barthel index 91.10 ± 10.30. Superficial temporal artery ⁃ middle cerebral artery (STA⁃MCA) was performed in 8 cases, extracarotid artery⁃great saphenous vein⁃middle cerebral artery (ECA⁃GSV⁃MCA) in 5 cases, extracarotid artery⁃radial artery⁃middle cerebral artery (ECA⁃RA⁃MCA) in 3 cases, occipital artery⁃posterior inferior cerebellar artery (OA⁃PICA) in 1 case. Patients were followed up for 19-39 months (mean 28.67 months). At follow⁃up point, 2 patients (11.76%) died, operation⁃related mortality was 5.88% (1/17), operation ⁃ related morbidity 5.88% (1/17), mRS scores 1.07 ± 1.16, Barthel index 96.40 ± 10.30. Conclusion Patients with complex aneurysms who were impossible to be treated with surgical clipping or endovascular intervention could be cured with extracranial⁃intracranial bypass and aneurysms trapping, and good follow⁃up results were acquired.
Intracranial aneurysm; Cerebral revascularization; Follow⁃up studies

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